Our Programs Career-Hub

CAREER - hub
Career Support is an innovative program that offers students easy access to job listings, appointments, career events, and training programs. It complements academic studies, providing opportunities to develop professional skills and gain new experiences. The program runs workshops throughout the year to upgrade career skills.
Writing CV and Winning Job Interview
This course covers how to write a compelling CV in English, comprehend what employers demand, and articulate your goals clearly in job interviews. The workshop will cover:
Discover your leadership style
What does it mean to be an effective leader? It is possible to acquire and practice genuine leadership in a variety of methods, which enables people to create their own style. Building leadership potentials is a never-ending process, and education can offer valuable experience and perspective for career advancement.
- The workshop will cover:
- Types of leadership
- Behaviours and ways to develop your leadership potentials
- Characteristics of effective leaders
- World’s best leaders and their personal traits